Abstract Wall Art & Canvas Prints

Abstract art is considered to be a recent phenomenon. Abstract art prints use shapes, colors, lines, and even patterns for the display of an artistic expression. This visual art form is regarded as a recent concept because most mainstream abstract art dates back to a hundred or two hundred years ago. However, it is argued that abstract art goes a long way back and abstractions are even present in caves. This is because abstract art is fundamentally a portrayal of an exaggerated reality. It also means that it is not necessary for abstract art to undertake any ideas or borrow any understanding from reality or any other contemporary art forms.
Visual language is the foundation of abstract art. There are three popular abstract art styles that are seen on abstract art prints. These include dada, action painting, and non-objective abstract art prints. Dada abstract art prints were first made in Zurich, Switzerland. This abstract style was used by artists in the 20th century to critique the socio-economic conditions of society. It was adopted by many artists after World War I when artists, as well as people, felt a disconnect from society due to the destruction it caused. Society was disoriented and horrors of war had penetrated deep among the people. As a result, this form of abstraction was used to convey messages of peace and critique about the conditions the war had led them to.
Action Painting abstract prints are made by throwing paints on the canvas to create a complex yet equally mesmerizing image. A common understanding is that the intricate patterns of the paint reflect the complexities of the society. Others consider this as a reference to dancing and physical gestures of similar form. Action painting abstract prints do not have a fixed meaning attached to them.
Non-objective abstract art prints are composed without fixating on a certain object. Instead, the artist used shapes and colour pallets in a manner that real-world emotions are depicted. The interesting thing about non objective art is that it may feel and be viewed differently by each individual. Thus, each art piece has a unique meaning to its observer. Usually, such prints are painted on larger scales and can get intimidating to its viewers sometimes.
Abstract wall art is one of the major art forms that exist in the postmodern world and is practiced more often when compared to other art forms. Abstract art became a burgeoning concept in the 20th century when artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Cézanne, Gauguin, and Seurat were seen using the style. The quick development of the art form resulted in a huge fan following. Artists of the post-modernist world rely heavily on abstract techniques to design art prints. Abstract art prints not only prove to be a great addition to the décor but are heavily sought after.